Eine junge dunkelhaarige Frau mit verschränkten Händen, lächelt. 2 andere junge Menschen helle Haut und dunkle Haare und eine Person of Color mit dunklen Haaren. Es geht um die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt, ein Eventformat gehostet by kununuDie Arbeitswelt der Zukunft: Chancen und Möglichkeiten diese neu zu gestalten?!
Das war der Top 30 HR Influencer*innen Award 2024
By |Published On: 3. Oktober 2024|1223 words|6,2 min read|

The Austria’s Top HR Influencers Award is going into round two for 2024. We are very proud to have UniCredit Bank Austria as our partner on our side this year who will be presenting these awards with us on 17th October 2024 at their premises at „UniCredit Center am Kaiserwasser“. 

Many have asked why Unicredit Group Bank Austria? What is the motivation to be part of this initiative? 

I recently met Svetlana Pančenko, Head of People and Culture and Management Board Member at UniCredit Bank Austria to speak with her about the motivation and the vision behind this initiative and how it relates to the HR strategy of the company.

Interview with Svetlana Pančenko
Head of People and Culture and Management Board Member at UniCredit Bank Austria


Dear Svetlana, thank you for taking the time to talk today. We are excited that you will be joining the award show in October.

One of the burning questions of my community is, why are you and UniCredit Group Bank Austria supporting the initiative of Austria’s Top HR Influencers in 2024?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

Our Bank is proud to support Austria´s Top HR influencers this year. This initiative aligns perfectly with our passion for innovation and excellence within the HR community.

The HR influencers are not just setting trends but are also driving meaningful change, advancing ideas that improve how we work and connect with our people

Part of our initiative is to make HR more visible and recognise those for their contributions to the world of work. This was one of main drivers to initiate this award but also to celebrate HR and its key opinion leaders with their content & ideas.

How do you feel about this?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

By recognizing and celebrating their contributions we are endorsing the importance of innovative thinking and progressive practices in HR, striving to positively impact people’s diversity, their engagement, growth, well-being and ultimately performance.

It is about celebrating those who are leading the way and we People & Culture in Bank Austria are excited about leading together the way in shaping the future of work environment in Austria and beyond.

In the past influencing was seen more in the areas of lifestyle, travel or food sector. I feel that it has now arrived in the corporate world, which is great as there is valuable content out there which we all like to digest.

Seeing this shift, why do you think influencing is important in a corporate environment?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

Influencing is essential in a corporate environment because it is about more than just guiding decisions – it is about inspiring people to rally behind a shared vision. In today´s fast-paced and ever-evolving workplace, the ability to influence effectively means bringing people together, encouraging diverse perspective and driving meaningful change.

Effective influencers can break down silos, shape decisions, promote innovative ideas, and advocate positive cultural shifts.

I love your view on corporate influencing. It is so important and such a great tool to get employees engaged and also use it as an employer branding tool, to get your message out in the market and be seen for your values & your culture.

What else is important when you think about corporate influencing?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

By leveraging influence, leaders can create an environment of collaboration, innovation and ownership, where everyone feels motivated and empowered to work towards common goals, leading to stronger performance and a more resilient organization.

It is a key driver of growth, engagement and long-term success.

As you said it is important and can have a great impact on a company culture and well managed such a program can drive engagement, get you positioned as an employer of choice but also be a strong marketing tool to strengthen your brand. So a win:win Situation.

In your view what makes a good HR Influencer in your opinion?

Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

In my opinion, a good HR influencer is authentic, passionate and knowledgeable with a genuine care for people.

They are excellent communicators, experts in creating engaging content that resonates with their audience and drives meaningful conversations. Trustworthiness and credibility are key, as they build strong relationship based on transparency and integrity. They stay informed about trends, continuously learning and adapting to the ever-changing environment of work, technology and employee expectations, while promoting a culture of values, inclusion and forward-thinking.

To me, they also advocate for best practices, ethical leadership and employee well-being, aiming to make positive impact in people’s lives and elevate the entire HR profession.

Lots of positive traits and not to forget to share their knowledge with others on their online plattform. For me it is also a way to develop myself and others by providing insights into our views on People & Culture and the way we are working in the future.

Looking at your company culture and how does corporate influencing align with your HR strategy?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

Corporate influencing aligns closely with our HR Strategy by reinforcing our core values of integrity, ownership and caring.

In HR, influencing is about setting an example that embodies these values. By influencing with integrity we build trust and ensure that our actions are transparent and ethical. Encouraging ownership through influence empowers our people to take initiative, driving personal and professional growth.

Sounds great and is in line with our community values. We want to be game changers and forward thinking in the world of HR and promote this with our content, our standing and our insights in various subjects.

Anything else you would like to add?
Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
Rundes Foto mit einer Frau mit heller Haut und halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren
@Svetlana Pančenko:

Additionally, by promoting a culture of caring, we influence the workplace to be more supportive, prioritizing employee well-being in all its dimensions: physical, mental, career, social and financial.

This approach helps us create a work environment where people feel valued, respected, and motivated. Ultimately, corporate influencing helps us sustain a culture that reflects our values while fostering a positive and inclusive workplace

Thank you Svetlana for those interesting insights. It was great talking with you and we look forward to seeing you at the award show in October.

Junge Frau mit halblangen dunkelbraunen Haaren, verschränkte Hände trägt ein schwarzes Kleid und goldener Weste darüber
About Svetlana Pančenko

She started her career at UniCredit Bank Serbia in 2003. From 2003 to 2008 she headed the HR department of UniCredit Bank Serbia, and from 2009 to 2012 the HR division of UniCredit Bank in Slovakia. From 2013, she worked in Vienna, initially as Business Manager of the HR Board for UniCredit Bank Austria and CEE. From 2016 to 2020, she held various senior HR positions, including HR Manager for CEE Retail, COO and the Competence Lines.

From 2020 to 2024, she was Head of People & Culture at UniCredit Bank Hungary. On 1 February 2024, she was appointed Member of the Management Board for People & Culture at UniCredit Bank.

Mein Fazit

Summarized corporate influencing has arrived in the corporate world and the benefits must not be named again.

The joint passion between my team and UniCredit Bank Austria is crystal clear – we want to recognise those who contribute to the new world of work by openly stating their knowledge, opinions and have a close eye on trends. So others can learn and develop in their career or personally, one way or the other or both.

Such a great cooperation shows again that when we support each other we can do great things. #togetherwearestronger

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